To me, health insurance is like your appendix. You never really give it much thought until someone tells you there's a problem with it and, oh yeah, it needs to be removed. That'll be $8,654.96 please. When the economy hit the skids, health insurance is one of the first places my company decided to "save." Our once tolerable plan was replaced with a Health Savings Plan, which I pay into and pay for and use to pay doctors. (Please, someone explain how this is different from the money being in, say, my checking account.) Knock on wood, I've been very lucky and have not needed my "appendix" but I've seen coworkers struggle with forms and phone calls as they go down that what's covered-not covered wormhole. It's situation like these and like Anita's that makes me throw a hex on those Congressmen on TV arguing against healthcare for everyone. My mom has a government job (no, she's not a senator but she has a nice state gig nonetheless) and her 401k and health insurance is truly to be envied. In my opinion, these long-winded speeches against health care for the masses is this generation's "Let them eat cake." Yet, while Marie Antoinette was beheaded (surgery on a government subsidized plan) these politicians better wise up sooner less the American people take them of this country's best health insurance plan. Then wait until it's time to lose that appendix....