Monday, January 10, 2011

Hear! Hear!

While in my opinion Molly Ringwald said it best in Sixteen Candles--"I loathe the bus. There has to be a more dignified mode of transportation"—I do agree that knowledge is power. It's probably why I harbor a major addiction to shows like CSI and Criminal Minds; they're all twists and turns (and cutie cops), but within one hour, I get the whodunnit. I'm never left hanging and I can sleep soundly knowing SSA Rossi and Dr. Reed have indeed solved the case. Just the other night I had dinner with a girlfriend whose first date with a new beau went, in her opinion, amazingly well. Seven days later, it's radio silence. I listened as she antagonized over if she misinterpreted what she took to be signs that all systems were go. Our answer? To realize we have no answer and go to see bull riding at the Garden. But we've all been there; resumes sent into the vortex of cyberspace, great dates that just peter out into nothingness, auditions, client proposals, story pitches—all things we put out there with high hopes and great effort that are often met with the Real World equivalent of crickets. I think our hatred of the unknowing can all be blamed on Generation Y. As kids, everyone got a trophy, a valentine, a hug and no one was picked last in that torturous rite of passage, Dodgeball. "It's not you, it's me." Well, sometimes, it is you and people revert to that Momism, if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all. But it's time we all, well, grow a pair. Tell me my resume sucks, you don't want to date me or that my cooking ain't all that and you're having a bag of chips. I'll most likely live. But the not knowing... until Gil Grissom handles relationship cases on an affordable hourly rate, I'm just not down with the mystery.

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