Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Eyes Are Looking Brighter!

My last post went on and on about how I’ve successfully navigated around the reality-show craze. Some might say that’s pretty impressive. But before you shower me with accolades (they’re coming, right?), there is something that did get the better of me. An infomercial. I’m embarrassed just typing the word, but let me defend myself. Daytime television is brutal. And if you like to keep the TV on for a little background noise, there’s no way you can escape the infomercial. Some classics include: The ad for Shake Weight® ( ). This product is so suggestive, you’ll want to take a shower after watching the demo. And then there’s the RoboStir™ ( ). Really? Are you so busy in the kitchen that you can’t take two seconds to stir the ingredients yourself? Another entertaining one is for Cami Secret ( ). It’s essentially a dickie for women and it promises to make all of your low-cut shirts appropriate for work. Or, you could just dress appropriately for work. But the hands-down (no pun intended), most ridiculous one is for Handerpants™ ( ), a pair of gloves that resemble men’s tighty-whities. The infomercial even gives an extensive list of customers the product is perfect for, such as night bloggers and curling enthusiasts. So after all my trash talk, you’re probably wondering which one of these gems finally sucked me in. Hydrolyze ( ), a magic jar that promises to diminish the dark circles under my eyes. It was all so believable. Pretty pictures of bright-eyed people… Convincing testimonials… A “risk-free trial” for the next 100 callers. When I called the number, I realized that I’d only heard the words “free trial”. An honest mistake, but I still pressed on. I gave my credit card number to the automated recording and even said “yes” to having my card charged every month, so I’d never be out of supplies. What a mess. After an hour on hold, I finally got myself out of most of it. But I couldn’t stop the delivery of the first three jars. So I’m using the product now, every night, and am convinced that I see a difference. After shelling out $200, I’m inclined to believe anything.

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